Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wanderlust 2012

I have a serious case of wanderlust. Travel factors into practically every decision I make. This year is slipping by so I've decided to get a grip by re-visiting my 2012 agenda or as regular people say resolutions. A big part of said agenda is travel. Yes, I actually made various travel-related resolutions. My list may be a little lofty but if I even manage to get through half that'll be something.

1. Washington D.C. A visit to the besty is long overdue, preferably when cherry blossoms are present.

2. Vegas It's for work, with my parents. Which means I'll finally learn to gamble!

3. Portland + Seattle This is something the boyfriend and I have had on the back burner for a while.

4. New York Another possible boyfriend trip. Who can say no to the city?

5. Hawaii I take a yearly beach vacation to Mexico with my family. Moving the locale has been in the talks.

6. Caribbean My recent trip to to The Bahamas has only made my beach lust worse. We could move the family vacay here instead! Anywhere but Aruba. My mom refuses to patronize a country where two American women have gone missing.

7. London Yes it has been calling. And I always want to get another stamp in my passport. #prioritiespeople

8. Greece Debt crisis be damned! I want to eat goat cheese and take pictures in front of blue doors.     

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