Monday, February 6, 2012

Favorites {January}

{Buttermilk Chess Pie at Eastside Cafe}

January came and went without me realizing mainly because I was preoccupied with preparing for my Mum and the Baby Sister's visit this past weekend. This year I have decided to tackle the new year differently. In lieu of the traditional 'resolutions' I always make and never keep, this year I decided to make myself a very long to do list. I started off with general categories and then made specific goals. I promised myself I would tackle a few items a month, thus keeping the good intentions I daydream of going all year-long. At the end of each month I resolved to reflect on the month that had just passed. So as I (belatedly) reflect on what I've started, here are a few of my favorites from the first month of 2012. As I check off items on my to do list I will be sharing them with you of course.

{The Baby Sister and Mum's delicate necklaces (Tiffany and Barney's)}

{My first attempt at a disheveled top knot}

{Perhaps my favorite Christmas gift which I gets tons of use of due to my work travels}

{A happy reminder that spring is just around the corner here in Texas}

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